November 8, 1989 NMA NYC day 1: Gala at the BAM
Allen Ginsberg ● Philip Glass ● Steve Reich ● Laurie Anderson ● Moondog ● Brooklyn Symph ● Bob Weir ● Brand Nubians ● Fran Leibowitz ● Jevetta Steele ● Kronos Quartet ● Harvey Lichtenstein
Opening night gala at the Brooklyn Academy of Music, November 8, 1989
New Music America - regular concert schedule begins on November 10

the gala
Harvey Lichtenstein and the important people to thank in person
Allen Ginsberg
Bob Weir and Felicita Seitel
Brand Nubians in excerpts
Steve Reich introduces Moondog, Moondog’s Surf City
Fran Leibowitz: “Why Am I Here?”
Laurie Anderson takes our picture
Little Village / Bob Telson excerpts
That next sentence is crucial: the Philip Morris rep came out to give a few words and some 80 or so people in the audience started non-stop coughing. Word was they weren’t pleased, especially after some people went around during the festivals with one of the short sleeves cut off - where the Benson and Hedges logo used to appear.
Tim Page reporting from Newsday:
Laurie Anderson: Too many Howdy Doody masks.
- Ear Magazine, February 1990 "exquisite corpse" method of reviews of the festival, in which the end of one's thoughts become the beginnings of another's - unless of course they're separated as they are here.
...did Laurie Anderson's photo of the audience masked as grinning 10-year-old come out? Weren't the short Telson-Reich-Glass segments triumphs of new music accessibility?
- Howard Mandel editorial, Ear Magazine - February 1990